Monday, February 22, 2010

Jesus, My One True Love

I have noticed recently that when I attend Mass, it has become so much more real to me. I don't know if it is because my prayer life has improved, or because I have strived to become closer to Jesus, My One True Love. But, I get a feeling of being in a euphoric state when I am in Mass sometimes. I often feel as if I am in a state of somewhere "other than" that is very hard to describe. There seems to be a sense of no time, yet all time at the same time, if this makes any sense. I do not wish to leave this beautiful area where my senses seem to touch those of Jesus. It is a place where He is in me and I in Him. It is always the time from the consecration until the end of Mass when I get this sort of "lost in God" feeling. I receive Him physically into my being through the Sacrament of the Eucharist. There I know my King has been consumed by me, yet at the same time, I know that I have also been received into Him. So the two of us have become one, much like spouses in the marital embrace. Ahhh. It is such a beautiful image to bring to mind when I think of my Jesus in this holy, Eucharistic embrace, unparalleled by anything else in this world. I sink into oblivion and revel in His glorious love for just a few minutes until the priest reminds us that the Mass is over and it is our time to go out in peace to love and serve others in His holy name. What a beautiful mission. What a great, great task to be given on this earth; to bear His name and to do to others in imitation of Him. Oh Lord, You are so marvelous!! Great and wonderful are You!!

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