Sunday, November 29, 2009

God's True Love

I am beginning to let go of that which kept me bound. It no longer has the same effect on me, although I still feel its pull somewhat. I mourn its loss. Yet, I realize that my true joy is not to be found in humanity. My true joy lies only in the triune God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He beckons me and calls my name. He is offering me the love and consolation that I so earnestly desire. I realize now that humans cannot possibly provide this for me. Only God in His mercy and infinite love can offer and does offer this to me. And He expects nothing in return. He gives this love freely and most generously. How can he not? It was He who wrote my very name on the palm of His hand from all eternity. It was He whose thought of me and love for me willed me into being. If I were not always on His mind, I would have ceased to exist. Ahhh, this God of mine is incomparable! I must rejoice in knowing how much I am loved by Him. It is truly a wonder to me!