Monday, May 27, 2013

Jesus is the Way

This morning while in prayer, I recalled a vision I had more than a year ago while I was also in prayer. I thought it worthy to write it down. Life is a journey. It is as if we are in a maze. We come upon many obstacles and sometimes get turned in the wrong direction. We must find the path, the correct road, or the "way," so to speak. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life." What was it He meant by this? He meant that it is only by following Him; by doing what He tells us to do (following the ten commandments, love one another, love God first with our whole beings, be baptized and repent, etc.) that we will find true happiness and thus the way to eternal life with Him in the Kingdom of Heaven. We are already in the Kingdom of God here on earth, for He often proclaimed that the Kingdom of God was at hand.

Jesus is our "way" to the Father. Only through Him do we meet the Father. For He and the Father are one, as He told us so many times. When the apostles asked when they would see the Father, He repeatedly told them that if they have seen Him, they have seen the Father. And the Third Person, the Holy Spirit, would be with them, until the end of time, to open their eyes to even more of the Truth. We must be listening to hear the promptings of the Holy Spirit, and be ready to do as He inspires us to do for the sake of the Kingdom. This is our job on earth. This is our preparation for the Heavenly Kingdom. We must prepare our souls here to be ready for the eternal banquet at which we will celebrate with all the angels and saints who have gone before us, the never-ending Supper of the Lamb, where there will be joy and happiness and continual praise and worship of Him who is the Paschal Lamb who set us free. Our eyes will rest on the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Lion of Judah. We will have reached our eternal home; the place prepared for us from the beginning of time; our destiny.

So let us continue down that daily path; eyes focussed only on Jesus. For He will lead us to Paradise, just as God led the Israelites to the Promised Land. And He is our bridge to the Father. Thank you, Lord Jesus.

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