Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My Lord Drew me In

This morning I made the effort and got up early to attend Mass. I've been lazy this summer and slept past the alarm every day. I'm ashamed of this. I chose sleep over the chance to receive Jesus in the Eucharist and to hear the Word of God proclaimed every single day. I argued with myself internally each morning, and the lazy part won over. But, today, Jesus won. Thank God.

It was wonderful!!! I love the Mass. I could kick myself for wasting all those mornings just rolling over in bed and enjoying the comfort of the soft sheets. How could I have chosen physical comfort over the joy offered to me in the Mass? Well, I know it was a weakness I struggled with. Forgive me, Jesus.

I saw all my old daily Mass friends from years back when I didn't work full time and from the summers off when I usually attend Mass. The faithful people still are faithful. It's wonderful to see their persistence. They are an inspiration to me. They are the prayer warriors who never give in to the flesh. I joined in with them and took part in the beautiful liturgy, expressing my sorrow for my sins, praising God and proclaiming His holiness.

Then, my heart began to race and my anticipation grew so great as I stood in line and walked toward my Lord who was drawing me in ever so gently - awaiting the chance to commune with me and to "receive me," as I, too, would receive Him on my tongue in the most holy of banquets. I was there. I took Him on my tongue and alas, I was so overcome with joy. I returned to my seat and could barely contain myself. I thanked Him for giving Himself so lovingly and unconditionally to me. I told Him over and over again how I loved Him and how sorry I was for not coming sooner in the summer. I was one with Him once again. I knew this was where I was meant to be and I didn't want to leave this loving embrace with my Lord and King. Yet, the Mass ended, the people departed, and my day was to continue elsewhere. But, I knew the grace of this sacrament would take me through whatever I was to face the rest of this day, for my strength lies only in Him. I will be there tomorrow, eagerly awaiting this communion with my adopted brother. How could I stay away ever again?

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