Saturday, April 24, 2010

How God is Using Charbel

My friend, Charbel, moved to Qatar in early February, from Lebanon. In Lebanon, he lived in a small Christian city, where life is simple and everything revolves around the Maronite church, Saydet Talle. Life is good there. I know this because I visited there three times. People are loving and kind to one another. It is not a wealthy area, by any means. It is relatively poor. But, love makes it rich. The majority of the people in the city enjoy each others' company and holy days are celebrated by the whole community. It is beautiful to see. Most families know each other.

It was a difficult, but brave decision for Charbel to leave his family, friends and homeland to go to a strange country to improve his way of life. Qatar is much different from Lebanon. It is a very hot, dry country with a much higher concentration of people than Lebanon. There is a myriad of nationalities in the capital city where many come to seek a better way of life. The country is 97% non-Christian and it is against the law for Christians to speak of their religion openly to non-Christians. If they are caught doing this, they can be thrown in jail and fined heavily.

In the few short months since Charbel has lived in Qatar, however, people have seen the goodness and love that flow from him, and this has attracted the attention of some of the non-Christians; enough that some have inquired as to his goodness. One such occasion was during the Holy Week celebrations, Charbel was singing in the choir of his new parish and they were outside in the streets during a procession where the Way of the Cross was depicted by the youth of the parish. A Muslim bystander spoke with Charbel and asked him some questions about his faith. Charbel replied, "You know it is against the law for a Christian to speak of his faith to a non-Christian and I could be thrown in jail for speaking with you. I cannot speak with you about this." To which the man replied, "Sir, I swear by my own son that I will not tell of this if you will answer my questions." So they went off to the side and the man asked Charbel some questions about Christianity. He wanted to know about the Trinity and how God could be a human being and why God would allow His son to be killed. He couldn't understand how this would be true. He asked for Charbel's telephone number and if he could meet another time to ask more about Christianity.

As a production manager of the division of the glass company for which he works, Charbel has many workers reporting to him. He is kind to the workers, and often buys snacks and pepsi for them on their breaks. He spends time talking with them and just being with them. They are not used to this. This affects their morale, and they want to do a good job for him. He has had other conversations in the street here and there with workers who are non-Christian, inquiring as to why he treats the workers so nicely. I believe that the goodness of Christ flows from Charbel and they see this, whether or not they know that is what they are seeing. For, the first time I met him, back in 2007, I immediately could see this in him.

God uses people like this to reach others in profound ways, merely through their kindness and example. St. Francis said, "Go out and preach the gospel, and when necessary, use words." This is what Charbel does, and what we should all do. Let's go out and preach with our actions and love!!

Another time,

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