Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Nearer Than Before

Last night I went to a Eucharistic holy hour at Prince of Peace Church led by Jim Cowan, a wonderful musician and songwriter, formerly of the group Millenium Three. Jim and his wife, Mary, come annually to Prince of Peace to lead a holy hour. They travel around the country praising God in this way, leading the praise and worship in different communities. He has an awesome gift of song and prayer. I was lost in God's love as we worshiped, quietly sang and heard God's word in the Holy Gospel. One of the songs that touched me the most was written by Jim himself. It is called "Nearer Than Before," and the lyrics are as follows:

Lord, take the blindness from my eyes,
All my arrogance and pride,
Fill my vision with your light.
Lord, take the deafness from my ears;
When I'm dull and slow to hear,
Help me recognize your voice.

Lord, draw me nearer than before;
Everyday I long for more of you
To know and see your face.
Lord, draw me deeper into prayer;
Everyday I want to meet you there.
Just to spend my life with you.

Lord, take the darkness from my mind;
When confusion makes me blind,
Come renew me with your truth.
Lord, take the hardness from my heart.
Roll away the stony part;
Fill me with a love that's true.

I am often drawn to tears during Eucharistic adoration because just the thought of God's enormous love for me is more than I can handle emotionally. But, when this type of music is added to the adoration, it brings great love forward from my heart; a love that is indescribable toward a Savior that is so fine, so precious, so full of mercy and compassion that I cannot possibly not be drawn to tears in contemplating His love for me. I yearn for Him each moment of the day. With every breath I take, I physically ache to be closer to Him. I want more and more of Him. This is why this song speaks to my heart. God bless.


  1. O Sweet Liz:

    This song is very near and dear to our hearts as Kristin and I heard this song together for the first time while attending a conference with Jim Cowan over 20 years ago... He had just written the song and they copied it on little sheets of paper to pass thru the tent at Stuevenville... We sang it at the evening service of commitment and ever since, this song has drawn us to the Throne of God every time! Enjoy it... revel in His presence when you sing it and be transformed by the saving power of Jesus. Blessings to you!

  2. Can we hear it on YouTube?

  3. You can hear it on Youtube at this link:

    It's the right song, but, the video is strange that is with the song.

  4. were can I get the Piano score for Nearer Than

  5. I am also deeply touched by this song. the lyrics of this song really penetrated into the abyss of my heart. we also sing this song in some of our corporate worship.

  6. This song is still touching hearts and souls. I was just visiting my daughter this weekend at Franciscan University of Steubenville, and they sang this song at Sunday Mass. The students know it well and they sign it reverently from the heart.
