Sunday, December 5, 2010

God Calls Me Again

I recently learned of a young man in India named Mohammed. Mohammed has been sick much of his life, but now he is in a hospital living out his final days. He has a wife and three young children. They are extremely poor. His younger brother, Tarek, moved to another country in the Middle East to earn money to send home to his brother's family to support them. Tarek loves his brother very much and works only to provide for his brother's wife and children, and to help with his medical costs.

Several days ago I sent a small amount of money to help this man's family with some of their bills. I was told that Tarek cried like a baby and said that he couldn't believe that someone would help like this that didn't even know his family. He sent me his love and promised to pray to Allah for my family and me. I received great joy knowing that this small act of love had brought this man to tears. It was a small way to evangelize by action because he knows I am a Christian. He is Muslim. I love him tremendously because Jesus loves him.

I have felt very much drawn to go to be with Mohammed in Bangladesh, to sit with him and place my hand upon his feverish head and pray for his healing. I am questioning my God, how can this be? What would my husband say if I were to all of a sudden ask to leave and go to India with our non-existent money in the bank, to help a man I do not know because I feel a calling to this? Yet, the thought has returned over and over again, at least five times in the past few days, "Go to him and be with him in Bangladesh. Sit with him. Lay your hand upon his head and pray for his healing." If it is God truly calling me to this, then He will have to work this whole thing out and make it clearly possible, and make Joe supportive of this idea. In the meantime, I will wait to see what He opens up for me. Where will He direct me? How will He answer this dilemma? What is He doing with me now? Am I to travel to Bangladesh now? Joe said no to Lebanon, and I made four trips there. Perhaps one to Bangladesh? Or will Mother Theresa handle this one for me? I am just a nobody in Muskegon, MI, who is listening to the Holy Spirit and anxious to follow His direction in my life. He will show me the way. This is my simple prayer for today. Holy Spirit, lovely paraclete and friend, clear the way for me to follow Jesus in the will of the Father. Amen.

Note: A few days after I wrote this post, I learned that Mohammed died peacefully.

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