Monday, July 9, 2012


I was looking back through my posts on this blog, looking for a certain one, which I had written some time back, when I realized how few people have looked at this blog of mine. It was a lesson in humility. After thinking about it for a few minutes, however, I realized that I was glad for this. It is my personal place where I can write my spiritual thoughts. I had hoped others might benefit from my insights sometimes, as they come out of prayer and reflection on Scripture, but, apparently, no one is interested.

But, it's okay. If no one ever looked or will ever look at my blog I am fine. God is the only one I need to hear my thoughts and to listen to me give feedback to His mighty Word. Who do I think I am to offer advice to others on the walk? I am no better than them, and nine times out of ten, I am probably much more of a beginner than most. So if I write this blog only to communicate with my dear Lord Jesus, then so be it.

I did notice two times in particiular, when the readership went way up. One was when I titled the post, "Father Aniello Salicone." He is a healing priest I saw twice in my life. I wrote about my experiences with his healing Masses, and some of the conversation I had with him regarding my own ministry. People know this priest, and they must have searched for his name under the blogspot directory, or searched for "healing." Their interest lay there - in healing. the other one was when I wrote a post entitled, "The Gift of Healing." I was writing a little about my own God-given gift, a new gift, of healing. The number of views was large on that post as well.

This is not what I want people to be drawn to by my writing. I never want to draw any attention to myself. The idea of the blog, as written on the cover page, is to possibly help others in their journey toward heaven; certainly not to glorify myself in any way.

Look not toward me, but, to my Lord, who deserves all glory, praise and honor. Love Him, obey Him, and imitate His Son, Jesus Christ, in all you do. Amen.