One does not make his own decision to become a priest. God makes the decision from the beginning of time that He is going to call certain individuals to the priesthood. He knows even before these men are formed in the wombs of their mothers, that they are the ones He will beckon and call to be His shepherds on this earth; the ones He will use to touch the lives and hearts of the lost sheep. Sometimes all He need do is whisper gently in the ear of a young man, and that young man turns his life directly to the service of God. Other times, He needs to knock many times on the door of the man's heart before he finally says "Yes, Lord, I hear your call and I am ready to come follow You."
I have heard many vocation stories and they are each unique and wonderful. I have come in contact with many priests in my lifetime and have the joy of becoming personal friends with a few along the way. I loved many for their selfless service to God through their loving service to man. I have marvelled at the gentleness of their words as they pronounced the words of mercy and absolution upon me as I tearfully confessed my sins. I have joyously received the most precious Body and Blood of Christ from their hands as they fed me the Spiritual food for my journey. I have thankfully accepted the oils upon my hands as they anointed me before surgeries. I have received the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and been united with my husband in matrimony under the priest's witness. And how many times did I so happily receive the most precious priestly blessing from one of God's chosen ones?
I look to them with respect and reverence. They are the ones who stand in the person of Christ at the altar every time we attend Mass. They are the holy ones who lead us in liturgy time and time again. They are the ones who open the Scriptures to us. They are the ones who are our Christlike examples on earth. How wonderful are they!! How I love all of the priests. God bless them all. For He chose them all and He loves them all beyond measure.
Jesus, please pour out your love and blessings upon all of your chosen ones. Keep them safe. Keep them holy. Keep them under your holy watch, day and night. You are their Savior. You died for them. You already freed them from the bonds of Satan's evil ways. Love them even more, Jesus. Keep them in Your blessed embrace always. Pour out your sanctifying grace onto them every moment. Amen.